TRITOflex is a non-toxic, environmentally-friendly, two-componet spray-applied roof and waterproofing membrane formulated with premium rubber polymers. It is a tough, yet extremely flexible material that can be efficiently sprayed to any thickness in a single pass. It creates a fully-adhered, monolithic waterproofing membrane with no waste. It is water-based with no VOC’s and classified as a “green” product.
Product Versatility and Use
TRITOflex is used as an instant-setting liquid membrane for new and retrofit roofing, below-grade waterproofing, plaza decks, interior and exterior walls, walking decks, steel, concrete, or wood beams, dams and ponds, fountains, and a wide range of specialty waterproofing applications. With its ability to withstand water indefinitely. TRITOflex is truly a unique waterproofing solution for the entire building envelope and beyond.
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